Morgaine Gaye

FUTURE-SCAPE – Food, Transformation and Belonging

Morgaine Gaye

Dr Morgaine Gaye is a Food Futurologist who looks at food and eating from a social, cultural, economic, trend, branding and geo-political perspective. Her work involves running ideation sessions, consulting to food companies, developing new products and ideas; writing articles/ trend reports for PR and ad agencies; giving public, university and corporate lectures on specific food trends, developing new ideas for food-related TV and radio programmes and doing research on all elements of the eating experience from mouth-feel and texture to olfactory perception. She lectures, appears in the media and consults to leading blue chip food companies and manufacturers, delivering bespoke trend briefings and NPD ideation sessions.

FUTURE-SCAPE – Food, Transformation and Belonging

We are living in challenging times with profound changes effecting every part of our lives. Instability and flux have become common place.
Confronted with our responsibility for the planet and one another, innovation opportunities, for both product and human transformation and development, are unprecedented.
Understanding the ‘why’ of trends is key to any product development and in this presentation Dr Morgaine Gaye will show some of the key driving forces which continue to shape consumer aspiration and behaviour.


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We are looking forward to welcoming you!

Due to Covid-19 safety measure we had to cut down the total number of guests. 

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